На меня вышел живущий в Алматы каталонец по имени Марк, который желает создать в Алматы пенью. Поскольку он каталонец и сосио ему это сделать проще, но для первоначальной записи нужен список из 10+ человек. У него есть человек 4-5. Организацию он берет на себя, от вас нужно собрать в идеале человек 10, готовых на первом этапе каким-нибудь способом рассписаться в списке. Если чем-то поможет вот наша переписка:
Сообщение от Марк
I saw your post in http://barca.ru.
I'm living in Almaty and i'm Catalan and also, of course, a FCB supporter.
I'm able to create an Oficial FC Barcelona group, Penya. (I'm a member
of FCB).
* http://www.fcbarcelona.cat/web/engli...una_penya.html
Are you interested?
Best Regards.
PD: Do you speak English??? Потому что я не говорю русский или казахсий
Сообщение от Я
I'm not sure we need it, but if you supply some details it would be
nice. I know it's very complicated and long procedure. Or you have
some relations inside? Let's say we want to become Penya, but don't
want to spend lots of time, nerves or even money. So give some more
details, please.
Сообщение от Марк
The requirements for creating a "Penya" are:
* At least 1 FCB member (I am :P)
* If there's a catalan/spanish member in the Penya, we can register
the "association" in the spanish consulate ( that would be my problem,
no nerves at all)
* Free of charge, of course
* A list of supporters of the Penya (name, surname, signature)
And that's almost all, piece of cake!
Сообщение от Я
Wow, it was fast.
If it as simple as you say let's do it. What do you want us to do?
And what do you mean by supporters list, I thought our visitors
become members after the penya is created? I can give you a list of
site administration(excluding me, cause I'm connected to Israel's
Penya), but there is a problem with signatures - Russia is huge. What
length should the list be(persons)?
Сообщение от Марк
I've already sent the pre-inscription form to FC Barcelona, I'm waiting for their approval :)
Once they approve it, we need to "inscribe" some people on the Penya. In order to do it, we need to sign a paper with our personal details (name, surname, etc.).
We don't need so many people! +10 would be enough (I've already met 4-5 kazakhs that want to be part of it)!.
But this "Penya" would be only for Almaty (the first one in Kazakhstan!), it can't be for all Kazakhstan or Russia.
By the way, in Russia, as far as I know, there's only one officially recognized Penya:
I hope I've explained myself :)
Сообщение от Я
So I need to find 5+ cules from Almaty and to connect them with you?
As far as I know there aren't acting Penyas in Russia. Barca should
think about some summer tour to conquer new markets and hearts ))
Сообщение от Марк
Yes, 5 culйs (more would be better!) would be at least enough!
I think so, there are a lot of russians who are FCB supporters!!!
Сообщение от Я
We have visitors from Almaty, so I hope I can find enough people.
Черт, я был уверен, что опера-мини при двух переносах строки делает пробел, оказывается нет.